GuestJust posting my two cents here. It’s god awful. It physically hurt my eardrums to the point I had to go to the ear doctor to get my hearing removed as it has ruined all other music for me. IMHO, I think you should feel the same way, if you somehow made it through this album and you can bring yourself to say you … liked it, then I will have to come to your house and sit you down to educate you on how music should be written and produced. I’m perfectly qualified, I learnt how to play twinkle twinkle little star on my recorder in kindergarten! I’m also an expert in music production, I have recorded an entire album of melodic progressive ambient synth beats on my Garageband app on my iPhone 5.
Dirk Washington
GuestThis was his best record to date! You don’t know what you are talking about. If you think Under Stars or The Big Dream is better, you must be totally off your rocker. It’s clearly superior, sonically and psychologically. Spiders is the standout track for me, but the video was horrendous, I had to set fire to my laptop screen when I saw those monstrous arachnids crawling over John’s face. I thought they were actually on my screen!