Astro Man
ParticipantIm getting really pissed off now! this is supposed top be a forum to discuss the greatness and perfection of JM not to have an idiot like you posting crap!! Why don’t ypu go away and crawl into the swamp you emerged from???!!!
2112 Man
ParticipantPlease turn it down, I can still hear it . . .
Astro Man
ParticipantYou wouldn’t know talent if it punched you in the face and a punch in the face is what you deserve!!!!!!!!
The godlike talent of John Mitchell is undisputable!
2112 Man
ParticipantMy toes have curled and are now permanently uncurlable.
2112 Man
ParticipantIf John lost a toe, I’d be Lack-Toes Intolerant.
GuestI’ve had enough now. I’m not putting up with you.
GuestHave you heard the new album?!!! It’s rubbish!! Come on you must realise that.
GuestAbsolute rubbish!What a lot of rot. i think you are a twat.You don’t know about Prog
Astro Man
ParticipantUnder Stars is just pure genius. One of the best albums around!! Not so keen on Feelings are Good but can’t be perfect all the time I suppose! The astronaut albums are best. The trilogy. He should have stopped there I think.
Astro Man
ParticipantWorth pointing out that the first Lonely Robot album is also a pure classic. So many brilliant songs on there. Shame the new album isn’t up to that quality but I suppose even godlike geniuses can have an off day from time to time!